In ancient times, people of great wisdom came together, and made up the concept of God.
Now you must think, Why?
I have once had an epiphany about it.
Then I heard and read in many other religions that man is said to be made in the image of god, or made by god to rule over all its subjects.
I thought, as they say about history, that its written by victors..
In this scenario, these scholars, people with great wisdom are the victors.. Humans are the victors..
Victors of their minds, beliefs and everything
Just think, we, the people, have consciousness.. we can think for ourselves, ask questions, try to understand stuff.. but when there is something we can't understand.. What do we do? We somehow relate it with God, and are done with it until we are ready to understand at a later time.
Before the concept of God, what do you think people did?
They ask those great people these questions like- Why do we exist? What happens after we die? How are we born? Where are we? What is the meaning of love, anger, family, bonds and everything related? All these Whats, and Hows, were unanswerable in ancient times...
What would you have done, when You are considered great by people, and you don't know the answers... of Course, you create an abstract concept, name it God, and tell the masses, that it was the will of the god and answer every question in relation with god!
As nobody knew what or who God was, it was easier to believe that God has created us all(more so after saying we were made in his image) than to have no answers..
First make people believe God is awesome(easily done by saying he created the lands with a wave of his hands or similar things) then relate the people to od, and make them pseudoAwesome.. Everyone's happy!!
as any great idea(like iPhone, or electricity) this one quickly became favorite and widely accepted.
Now, The Great People from different places on earth, changed The concept to their needs.. as there was no Cloud computing to sync all their answers or a wiki where they can see what collective community decided on the concept of God.
So in start, there were so many Gods in so many different communities. The elements were all gods, trees, sun, moon, stars, sky, a random weird rock too.. all were Gods for different people
Then later on more great people saw that due to difference in their beliefs in God, the tribes or to say civilizations started fighting with each other.. He dared say something about moon goddess, or she said ill of this banyan tree God, or whatever their God was..
So they decided to unite them all..
Now many people had this idea, so there still are many religions, but by the invention of books(RulesBook/StoryBook that almost every religion has) and due to these prophets' efforts.. they were able to unite many tribes, and made them follow the Code that they thought would help the mankind. They DID help us all.. phrases like Thank God, or Please help me lord.. they are all here due to these Great People's efforts
So things like waking with the sun, or murdering being a sin.. all these spiritual concepts were introduced by these people with great wisdom, over thousands of years, for the betterment of the society!
And the society is better now!
In the end... Its what My epiphany contains.. and what turned me into an atheist!
Comment on what you think about it? I really did not mean to offend anybody by writing this, and its just an independent thought.. so please take it lightly!!
more on Qoura
Now you must think, Why?
I have once had an epiphany about it.
Then I heard and read in many other religions that man is said to be made in the image of god, or made by god to rule over all its subjects.
I thought, as they say about history, that its written by victors..
In this scenario, these scholars, people with great wisdom are the victors.. Humans are the victors..
Victors of their minds, beliefs and everything
Just think, we, the people, have consciousness.. we can think for ourselves, ask questions, try to understand stuff.. but when there is something we can't understand.. What do we do? We somehow relate it with God, and are done with it until we are ready to understand at a later time.
Before the concept of God, what do you think people did?
They ask those great people these questions like- Why do we exist? What happens after we die? How are we born? Where are we? What is the meaning of love, anger, family, bonds and everything related? All these Whats, and Hows, were unanswerable in ancient times...
What would you have done, when You are considered great by people, and you don't know the answers... of Course, you create an abstract concept, name it God, and tell the masses, that it was the will of the god and answer every question in relation with god!
As nobody knew what or who God was, it was easier to believe that God has created us all(more so after saying we were made in his image) than to have no answers..
First make people believe God is awesome(easily done by saying he created the lands with a wave of his hands or similar things) then relate the people to od, and make them pseudoAwesome.. Everyone's happy!!
as any great idea(like iPhone, or electricity) this one quickly became favorite and widely accepted.
Now, The Great People from different places on earth, changed The concept to their needs.. as there was no Cloud computing to sync all their answers or a wiki where they can see what collective community decided on the concept of God.
So in start, there were so many Gods in so many different communities. The elements were all gods, trees, sun, moon, stars, sky, a random weird rock too.. all were Gods for different people
Then later on more great people saw that due to difference in their beliefs in God, the tribes or to say civilizations started fighting with each other.. He dared say something about moon goddess, or she said ill of this banyan tree God, or whatever their God was..
So they decided to unite them all..
Now many people had this idea, so there still are many religions, but by the invention of books(RulesBook/StoryBook that almost every religion has) and due to these prophets' efforts.. they were able to unite many tribes, and made them follow the Code that they thought would help the mankind. They DID help us all.. phrases like Thank God, or Please help me lord.. they are all here due to these Great People's efforts
So things like waking with the sun, or murdering being a sin.. all these spiritual concepts were introduced by these people with great wisdom, over thousands of years, for the betterment of the society!
And the society is better now!
In the end... Its what My epiphany contains.. and what turned me into an atheist!
Comment on what you think about it? I really did not mean to offend anybody by writing this, and its just an independent thought.. so please take it lightly!!
more on Qoura
So well spoken. Its like they say.. God's been created for children to have something to fear from and for the elders to point someone for all the bad things that lay in their paths..