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Time is circular!

I've heard this phrase today-  "Time is like a river, but the river is circular" in a rather popular show- ' Da Vinci's Demons ' which left me thinking... What if this is really true? Now, this hypothesis seems really far fetched, and as a fan of 'Doctor Who' , it doesn't hold much weight being typed by my hands . I'd say neither did it hold much weight in my mind until! I decided to delve into some metaphysics , and then this happened & the thought became worthy of the blog! Facts & Observations:  Electron revolves around the nucleus, Earth around the Sun... Basically, everything is revolving around something where nothing is at rest or at motion in this universe! Time and space are relative due to the efforts of Einstein, which is the basic fundamental in explaining how time travel, warp speeds, worm holes, and the T.A.R.D.I.S works(though they might be a little far-fetched). Moon moves 4cm away from Earth each year, i.e...
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Brain? Knowledge Graph?.. Can this be..?

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God- The concept!

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Most of the Ideas, and theories I come up with everyday.. I just forgets them.. and I don't like that one bit! This blog is just about all the random shit that pops up in my head. I want to be able to visit my ideas again and again, place new ones somewhere.. but the kind of stuff my brain comes up with isn't for normal timelines or walls. Hope whatever Reader I get, will atleast be humoured, laugh a little and maybe, just maybe, wont think me mad! Ideafecate: to shit out ideas ( Urban Dictionary ) I have another  technical blog . photo credit: innoxiuss via photopin cc